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PSME History

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The contributions of the Philippine Society of Mechanical Engineers (PSME) to the continued growth of the mechanical engineering profession and technological advancement in the country have made lasting marks as could be gleaned from the recognition accorded by both the public and private sectors. PSME has indeed succeeded in living up to its role of upgrading and improving the knowledge of mechanical engineers in the country. The PSME’s biggest contributions come from its direct assistance in providing solutions to the problems related to the practice of the profession and by continuously educating the members through the conduct of regular plant tours, seminars, weekly breakfast interactions and the annual technical paper presentations and invention contest, among others. PSME affiliations and participations include: Philippine Federation and Professional Association (PFPA) Philippine Technological Council (PTC) Philippine Invention Development Institute (PIDI) Presidential Panel of Judges Presidential Committees on Science and Technology (PCST) National Metal and Engineering Industry Council (NMEIC) CPE National Accreditation and Evaluation Board (NAEB) World Federation of Engineering Organization (WFEO) Philippine Association of Technological Education (PATE) Construction Industry Authority of the Philippines (CIAP) Construction Technology Committee (CONTECO) Society of Philippine Accredited Consultants, Inc. (SPAC) Anti-TB and Fight Cancer Fund Campaigns MMC Ladies Circle Activities

Tobias P. Marcelo (1952)

The Philippine Society of Mechanical Engineers (PSME) was founded with the objective of uniting and enjoining mechanical engineers in the pursuit of further professional growth and in the uplifting of the profession, in general. Luis A. Flores (1955) PSME was registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission as a non-stock, non-profit organization with Engr. Tobias P. Marcelo as its first president.

Victor A. Lim (1957)

Charterage of the first provincial chapter DAVAO CHAPTER Urbano J. Pobre (1967) On January 1, PSME was merged with the Philippine Association of Mechanical and Electrical Engineers (PAMEE), a pioneer technical organization founded in 1930. PSME remained under the umbrella of PAMEE for nine years.

Pedro F. Loresco (1969)

The Philippine Mechanical Engineers Code First Edition was published.

Cesar B. Lopez (1969-1976)

Ten more provincial chapters were formed. Clodovero V. Soriano, Jr. (1969-1976) Ten more provincial chapters were formed.

Ernesto B.Marcelo (1969-1976)

Ten more provincial chapters were formed.

Pedro Ma. Carino (1969-1976)

Ten more provincial chapters were formed.

Damaso C. Tria (1975) On July 8, PSME was duly accredited (PRC Accredited Certificate No. 004) by the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) as the national professional organization of mechanical engineers.

Luisito M. Reyes (1976) Consistent with accreditation, the general membership approved in the referendum held on June 30, 1976 the Society's amended by-Laws thereby paving the way for PSME to be independent of PAMEE.

Roberto G. Abiera (1977-1978) Silver Jubilee Year; the First Asian Mechanical Engineers Conference was held on Oct. 26-29, 1977 at the Philippine Plaza Hotel in Metro Manila Chapter Interaction for Mutual Progress. 1978 PSME participated in the First Convention of Engineering Institutions in Southeast Asian Nations (CEISEAN) held in Singapore.

Eduardo P. Mencias (1979-1980) An agreement of cooperation for the promotion of the Art & Science of Mechanical Engineering was signed between PSME & the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) 1980 PSME Participated in the ASME Conference on the Engineering Technology held in California, U.S.A.

Armando C. Pascual (1981-1982) PSME sent delegates to CEISEAN Conference held in Singapore 1982 The Technology Resource Center (TRC) and PSME signed an agreement of cooperation for PSME to provide technical assistance as required by the TRC for the commercialization of its projects. The number of chapters formed reached 25.

Arnaldo P. Baldonado (1984) PSME assisted the PRC and the Board of Mechanical Engineering in the formulation of guidelines on the Continuing Professional Education (CPE) which was to be fully implemented in 1988. Delegates were sent to the Conference of Asian Federation of Engineering Organization (CAFEO) held in Malaysia. PSME also participated in the CEFEO Conference held in Manila the following year.

Victorino Z. Sianghio, Jr. (1985) Amended constitutions and By-Laws were printed in pamphlet form. The Society, in its strong desire to have its own building, revived the creation of the PSME Building Committee. The revised M.E. Code in book form was formally presented to the Professional Regulation Commission and the Board of the Mechanical Engineering.

Antonio Ro. Herrera (1986-1987) The Society signed the memorandum of agreement with the Product Standard Agency (PSA), a government office created by Executive Order No.709. This formalized PSME‟s authority to formulize standards for materials, products and processes. The Society, with 47 chapters marked its 35 years of existence; The Annual National Convention was held in conjunction with the PSME-JSME Technical Conference on October 21 to 24, 1987 with “Technology Interaction among Asian Mechanical Engineers” as it's theme. 1987 PSME signed agreements of cooperation with the Societies of Mechanical Engineers of Japan & Korea (JSME & KSME). The society purchased the lots for its building at Scout Bayoran Street, Quezon City. PSME was represented in the International Congress of Mechanical Engineering Societies (ICOMES) & the Committee of Mechanical Engineering Society Presidents (COMPESP) held in Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.

Ernesto V. Villanueva (1988) PSME Chapter formation hit the 50 mark. The Society laid ground works for the establishment of the PSME Scholarship Foundation and the PSME Continuing Education Center (PSME-CEO)

Gemeliano F. Calinawan (1989) PSME transferred its general headquarters to the PSME Building – its dream becoming a reality. The Society accepted the invitation in organizing the Industrial Asian Development Center, Inc. to sponsor PHILMEX ‟89 – Philippine International Engineering Machinery, Equipment and Technology Exhibits.

Danilo Q. Bulanadi, Sr. (1990) The 2nd floor of the PSME building was constructed and blessed February 3, 1990. Chartering of PSME Saudi Arabia, the first overseas chapter. Alfredo Y. Po (1991) Securities and Exchange Commission released the amended PSME Constitution & By-Laws.

Alberto D. Dosayla, Sr. (1992) Revision of the M.E. Code  Chartering of NCR-Academe and Metro South Chapter  Implementation of electoral forms for the national election.  Election of Past President Ernesto V. Villanueva (PSME official representative to PTC) as chairman/President of the Philippine Technological Council for 1992.

Romeo A. Perlado (1993) Chartering of Metro South Chapter Chartering of Valenzuela Chapter Chartering of Palawan Chapter Chartering of Palinpinon Chapter Reactivation of Rizal Chapter Revision and printing of M.E. Code Revision and printing of Policy Manual PSME – DENR Agreement of Cooperation HQ Link Machinery Show Chartering of Zamboanga del Norte Chapter Chartering of Davao del Norte Chapter

Augusto C. Soliman (1994 & 1995 ) Establishment of the Continuing Education Center Reactivation of the Mechanical Engineering Journal PSME signed a Memorandum of Agreement with the Metals Industry Research & Development Center (MIRDC) in connection with the CPE Program for Mechanical Engineers. Reactivation of the Tarlac Chapter Formation of the City of Mandaluyong Chapter PSME signed a Memorandum of Agreement with the Department of Environment of Natural Resources (DENR). The agreement includes among others, that DENR will deputize the PSME National Officers and Directors, regional Governors and Chapter Presidents as special agents of the Department for purposes of monitoring and reporting violations of the anti- pollution law. PSME signed a Memorandum of Agreement with the Philippine Welding Society (PWS). The agreement between PSME and PWS established a cooperative relationship in the respective areas of interest devoted to advance the science, technology and application of welding. PSME‟s official representative to the Philippine Federation of Professional Association (PFPA) Past President Ernesto V. Villanueva was elected as President of the Federation for 1994. Likewise, our Past President Danilo Q. Bulanadi, PSME representative to the Philippine Technological Council was elected Vice President of the Council for 1994. 1995 Construction of the PSME Technical Library and Dormitory The birth of Central PSME Laguna and Cagayan Valley as the 69th& 70th Chapters, respectively. Organized the Calendar of Seminars for Continuing Education Center held at the PSME building. Recipient of Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) Plaque of Recognition as the 3rd Finalist of the 1995 Most Outstanding Accredited Professional Organization. Revival of Mechanical Engineering Journal Review, Revive, Update and Submission to the Philippine Congress of the Mechanical Engineering Law for enactment. Launching of Scholarship Program sponsored by the Council of Past Presidents in cooperation with PSME-National Board. Participation in the formulation of ISO guidelines Participation in the Asian Industrial Machinery Show ‟95 (A.I.M.S. ‟95) as co-organizer

Gerardo C. Hernandez (1996)

Charterage of NCR Port Area Holding of First M.E. Congress Implementation of PSME O.K. Scholarship Program Implementation of Memorandum of Agreement with NAPOCOR regarding the proposed Power Grid Code. Reactivation of Surigao del Sur and Negros Oriental Chapters  Refinement of Memorandum of Agreement terms with DENR on environment protection. Full computerization of membership database Upgrading salary of the Secretariat Staff; provisions for health & accident insurance; new office uniforms.  Repairs & Maintenance of PSME Building Organization of PSME Chapter in Chicago USA Visitation of 40 chapters nationwide Election of Past National President Danilo Q. Bulanadi as Philippine Technological Council President Intensive CPE campaign through the various seminars Submission of updated proposed M.E. Law to the Philippine Congress for enactment. PRC Accredited of PSME as CPE Provider. Referendum on PSME By-Laws Amendments Submission/Induction of Officers and Members of Junior Units Nationwide. Arrangement process with the Diners Credit Card & PSME Immediate Past President Augusto C. Soliman was elected as MAPHIL President.

Expedito S.Bollozos (1997)

Chartering of Central Bulacan Chapter Chartering of Davao Del Sur Chapter Chartering of Agusan del Sur Chapter Chartering of Cebu South Chapter Chartering of Cebu West Chapter Reactivation of Surigao City, Olangapo, Bogo Medellin and Bohol Chapters Holding of First Southern Mindanao Chapters Assembly  Attendance in ICOPE „97 Attendance in the First Meeting of Asia-Oceania Mechanical Engineering Societies Participation in the JSME Centennial Anniversary held in Tokyo, Japan by National President Expedito S. Bollozos together with VP-Chapters, Juan C. Cabayanan Visitation of 65 chapters nationwide Organization of PSME Brunei Chapter Submission of Amended PSME By-Laws to Sec Participation in the ASME/ASIA Exhibition Congress in Singapore Refinement of MOA with BPS  Signing of MOA with MAPHIL as co-sponsor for the Conservationist of the Year Award Submission of final draft of PSME Boiler Construction Code to BME & PRC Revision of PSME Code to meet Philippine standard Approval of Revised M.E. Law in the Senate Repairs and maintenance of PSME Building Charcoal painting of the pictures of the Past National Presidents displayed at the PSME building Holding of 2nd ME Congress Signing of MOA with TESDA and SOFI Participation in the 5th PRC Planning Conference held on February 8-9, 1997 at DAP Tagaytay City. Participation/Representation in the PSME Saudi Arabia Chapter General Membership Meeting in November 1977 Hoding of RME/PME licensure examination in Saudi Arabia sponsored by the Saudi Arabia Chapter. Participation in the Cafeo 15 held on November 26-27, 1997 in Chiang, Mai Thailand.  Organization of the PSME Golf Club Implementation of the appointment of the Members of the National Board for the year‟s election Creation of Cebu Design Engineering Center

Sergio C. Bololong (1998)

Signing of R.A. 8594-“An Act Regulating the Practice of Mechanical Engineering in the Philippines Signing of IRR – Implementing Rules and Regulation of RA 8495 on September 25, 1998 at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel by PRC Commissioner Hermogenes P. Pobre, and Assoc. Commissioner A. Abad and Avelina Dela-Rea Tan and BME Chairman A. Ro Herrera and members DK Karamihan and J.A. Eleria. Recepient of the 1998 Most Outstanding Accredited Professional Organization (APO) Award given by the Professional Regulation Board. Submission of the final draft of the additional Implementing Rules and Regulation of the National Building Code (PD96) on mechanical aspects to the DPWH. Signing of MOA to the DENR on environment protection and submission of the final draft of the detailed guidelines in the implementation of this Memorandum of Agreement Chartering of Eastern Pangasinan Chapter Reactivation of Balara, Albay-Legaspi and Zambales Chapter Organization of Ilocos Norte/Camiguin Chapter Holding of the 1st Luzon Regional Assemblies (Southern Luzon, Northern Luzon & Central Luzon) & 1st National Mindanao Assembly Holding of 2nd Southern Mindanao Assembly Repairs and maintenance of PSME building Holding of 3rd Mechanical Engineering Congress Participation in the Tree Planting Activities called “Pista Yang Kagabuen” (feast of the forest), a yearly project of the Puerto Princesa City government. PSME accreditation as the Integrated Association of Mechanical Engineers by the Professional Regulation Commission.

Juan C. Cabanayan (1999) Holding of Regional M.E. Congress Holding of Regional Assemblies Holding of the 4th National M.E. Congress coinciding with the PRC Week. Printing of the M.E. Law with IRR Reactivation of the PSME Surigao City Chapter Chartering of Western Pangasinan Signing of IRR with DENR Signing of MOA between BPS and PSME to ensure effective promotion and implementation of standards for mechanical product equipment and processes. The National President, Engr. Juan C. Cabayanan represented the country at a seminar on ISO TC II (Boiler and Pressure Vessels)AHTS on February 28 to March 11, 1999 in Tokyo, Japan Standards Association National President Engr. Juan C Cabayanan represented the Philippines in an ISO TCII meeting in July 30, 1999 at Boston, Masachussetts. USA. Signing of Implemeting Guidelines on the Memorandum of Agreement entered into by between the Department. of Natural Resources and PSME National President Engr. Juan C. Cabayanan represented the Philippines at FEISAP, Hongkong Gaudencio R. De Guzman (2000) Holding of ME Congress @ PSME week which included exhibits, Seminars and Symposium for PSME Members with a theme:” Mechanical Engineering Technologies and Congress”. Re-printing of pocket-size M.E. Law with IRR and Code of Ethics for Mechanical Engineers. Reactivation of NCR Academe Chapter (after 8 years) Revival of the National Accreditation and Evaluation Board (NAEB) Revival of the Local Accreditation and Evaluation Board (LAEB) Requested PRC for assistance on the Implementation of ME Law on the renewal of licenses for PSME members as the accredited Integrated Association of Mechanical Engineers Participation of the PSME in the APEC-Registry of Engineers Meeting under the auspices of PRC, CHED & PTC Holding of Workshop on Power Plant Boilers & Pressure Vessel Code at Shangri-la Hotel, Manila  Repairs and Maintenance of the PSME National Headquarters Building Participation/Representation in the seminar on ISOTCII (Boiler & Pressure Vessel) last July 9-16, 2000 in Tokyo, Japan sponsored by Japan Standard Association. Submission of the proposed Revision of the Constitution and By-Laws, R.A. 8495 to the general membership through referendum. Final draft of the revised PSME Code to meet Philippine standards and condition.

Ernesto J. Casis (2001) Formation of Unified Chapters Pangasinan Holding Workshop on Boiler Code Holding of Workshop on Heating, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Code in cooperation with PSVARE. SEC released the amended PSME Constitution and By-Laws Holding of Mindanao Assembly Signing of MOA between PSME and IIEE Visitation of chapters nationwide Holding of Planning Session at the start of the year Participation in the “Building Show” 2001 as organizer Election of Past National President, Engr. Augusto C. Soliman as President of the Philippine Technological Council. Holding of the 1st PSME National Open Golf Tournament Roberto A. Lozada (2002) Implementation of the Amended By-Laws as approved by the SEC on May 16, 2001 Implementation of the Omnibus election code in compliance with the Amended By-Laws. Formation and charterage of PSME Central Regional Saudi-Arabia – Riyadh Chapter Printing of Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code Holding of the 1st PSME Invitation Golf Cup at Intramuros Updating of the PSME Code Chartering of the Medical Services Chapter Golden Anniversary of the PSME (1952-2002)

Ramon C. Maniago (2003) Launching of the Philippine Mechanical Code Revival of the PSME Mechanical Engineering Journal Approval of the Chartering of PSME Central Panay Chapter Printing of the Revised Policy Manual Visit at the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Headquarters at New York, A.S.A. to revitalize the PSME-ASME-DENR MOA with ASME Officers and Directors Recognition of PSME as the one and only Integrated and Accredited Organization of Professional Mechanical Engineers, Mechanical Engineers and Certified Plant Mechanics as per PRC-BME Resolution No. 04 dated March 4, 2003 Approval of the PRC BME Resolution No. 05 dated March 4, 2003 recommended to the Professional Regulation Commission to require the Professional Mechanical Engineers, Mechanical Engineers and Certified Plant Mechanics who renew their Professional Identification Cards to submit certificate of good standing as members of the PSME, the only recognized integrated and accredited association of Mechanical Engineers. Approval of the PRC – BME Regulation No. 06 dated March 10, 2003 – Code of Ethical and Professional Standards for the Practice of Mechanical Engineering Approval and Implementation of the PRC Memorandum Circular No. 08, Series of 2003 dated May 19, 2003, addressed by Professional Mechanical Engineers, Mechanical Engineers, Certified Plant Mechanics, PSME, Inc., National Office and Registration Division, PRC- Implementation of Board Resolution No.05 dated March 4, 2003 Holding of Job Fair for Mechanical Engineers during the 51st Annual National Convention Unification of the PSMR Surigao City and Surigao del Norte into one (1) chapter known as Surigao Chapter Printing of PSME amended By-Laws in pocket size version Creation of a Committee on Good Governance in coordination with the Professional Regulation Commission.

Danilo P. Hernandez (2004)

Chartering of PSME Central Panay Chapter Revision of Policy Manual Reconstruction, updating and management of PSME website Dialogue/Consultative meeting with government agencies on R.A. 8495 Issuance of PSME Membership ID.

Vicente V. De Guzman (2005)

Renewal of PSME SEC Registration for another 50 years. Chartering the Bulacan East Chapter Renewal and updating of PSME website Printing of ME Code (2003 Edition) with revisions particularly on Chapter 7 – Boiler and Pressure Vessels, Chapter 8-Heating, Ventilating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning and Chapter 11 Piping Proposed MOA with LOGOMEAP Proposed MOA with DOST-TAPI Active involvement in the Institute for Solidarity in Asia (ISA) Participation in CHED/TPETA workshops for the curriculum review and development of mechanical engineering program. Revival of the ME Journal; Release of three issues Chartering of Bacon-Manito Chapter

Edimar V. Salcedo (2006)

Ramon F. Solis (2006)

Engr. Ramon F. Solis assumed the Presidency of the National Organization August 18, 2006.

Vicente B. Vosotros (2007)

Renewal of PSME SEC Registration on May 10, 2007 Conventions and Assemblies - Assembly of Chapter Presidents, Officers and Directors in Cebu City - 6th Mid-year Annual National Convention held in Cagayan de Oro on June 28-30, 2007 - 10th PSME Southern Mindanao Assembly August 16-18 held in Davao City. Chapter visits and interaction with PSME Chapters in Luzon, NCR, Visayas and Mindanao Awards and recognition - The Most Outstanding Mechanical Engineer of the year award was given to 1993 PSME National President Victorino Z. Sianghio Jr. during the PRC Awards night on June 22, 2007 at the Sofitel Philippine Plaza - Certificate of Accreditation from the PRC issued August 2008 as the recognized Integrated Association of Profession Organization for Mechanical Engineers. Professional Development Training - Professional Development Course (PDC) for PME Candidates was conducted June 1 & 2 and August 30-31, 2007 at the PCA Manila Assistance to the BME in the implementation of RA 8495 Issuance of PSME Membership I.D.

Celestino P. Caneca (2008)

Assembly of Chapter Presidents, Officers and Directors held at Rembrandt Hotel, Tomas Morato Street, Quezon City on February 02, 2008. The Most Outstanding Mechanical Engineer of the year award was given to Luisito M. Reyes,former PSME National President, former Marinduque Governor and former Board of Mechanical Engineering (BME) Chairman. Holding of PSME Mid-year Convention hosted by the Unified Chapters of Cebu (UCC) June 25-27, 2008 in Cebu City PSME National Board accepted/approved the affiliation of Local Government Mechanical Engineers of the Philippines (LOGOMEAP) on June 25, 2008 during the National Board Meeting at Mactan Air Base, Cebu. Approval of the renewal of accreditation with the Professional Regulation Commission dated August 01, 2008 under Certificate of Accreditation No. 1-APO-005. Southern Mindanao Assembly on held August 20- 22, 2008 held in Davao City Professional Development Course (PDC) for PME candidates was conducted in San Fernando, Pampanga and Iloilo. Reactivation of PSME Camarines Sur-Naga Chapter on September 05, 2008 in Naga City. 56th Annual National Convention Co-Hosted by the NCR Chapters October 27-30, 2008-Manila Hotel. Printing of the Philippine Mechanical Code 2008 Edition. Chartering of PSME Qatar Chapter on November 08, 2008 with Engr. Eugene M. Bautista as Chapter President. The National Board/Officers visited and attended the affairs of the following Chapters: Cebu, Cagayan de Oro, Mandaluyong, Lapu-Lapu, Davao, Marikina, Metro Cebu, Bukidnon, Makati, Isabela, Camarines Sur-Naga, Manila (Host), Ormoc, Legaspi-Bacman, NCR Metro South, Panay, Cavite, Pampanga, QBL. Chartering of PSME Kalibo-Chapter Dcember 07, 2008 at the Aklan State University-Kalibo Campus with Juan R. Adante, Jr. as Charter President.

Saylito M. Purisima (2008)

Renato A. Florencio (2009 & 2010)

Chapter Presidents and Planning meeting at the Philippine Columbian Association on December 14, 2009. Participated in the annual meeting of the Philippine Federation of Professional Associations. Participated in the meeting called by the Department of Labor to dialogue with the Middle East and European Project proponents and Labor Contractors. Participated in all meetings called by PRC (i.e. CPE, Christmas Party, Fellowship, etc.) Renewal of the Securities and Exchange Commission Registration The Most Outstanding Mechanical Engineer of the year award was given to Engr. Ernesto Jardeleza Casis, former PSME National President for the year 2000. Holding of PSME 8thMid Year Annual Convention in Valencia, Bukidnon last June 25-27, 2009 with 266 delegates were in attendance. Hosted by PSME Bukidnon Chapter. Holding of the PSME 12th Southern Mindanao Assembly in Davao City on August 2009 with 189 delegates were in attendance. Hosted by PSME Davao Chapter. Re-alignment of several PSME Chapters (i.e. Bicol Middle East, Zambasulta, Negros Island, Port Area, etc.) PSME Chapters conducted their inductions and anniversaries (i.e. General Santos, LOGOMEAP, Negros Island,Batangas, Quezon, Naga, Legaspi, Pampanga, Palawan, Davao, Bukidnon, Cebu, Bulacan East, Pasig, Manila Host, Makati, Metro South, Iloilo, Marikina, Aklan, Manila Academe) Conducted seven (7) Professional Development Course (PDC) (Cebu, Naga, Davao,Bukidnon,Makati,Batangas) Re-publication of the PSME Journal with VP- Technical 2010 Attended the 9thMid Year Annual Convention in Naga City, Camarines Sur held last April 29,30- May 1, 2010 with 298 delegates in attendance. Attended the 13th Southern Mindanao Assembly in General Santos on last August 26-28, 2010 with 298 delegates in attendance. Was instrumental in chartering and attended the chartering ceremonies of the following chapters: Rio Tuba, Nueva Ecija, Quezon City Central, Ilocos , Negros Island, Cordillera, Mt. Apo, Metro Marikina, Datu Sikatuna (Bohol) Re-Activation of Chapters namely: Cagayan Valley, Dipolog, Misamis Occidental, Pagadian City, Davao del Sur and Dumaguete. Visited the following PSME Chapter either to attend their inductions or anniversaries, general membership meeting i.e.; Pampanga, QBL, Zambasulta, NCT Port Area, Makati, Pasig, Manila (Host), Unified Chapters of Cebu, Negros Island, NCR Metro South, Dumaguete, Palinpinon, Datu Sikatuna (Bohol) and Davao. Attended two (2) Oath-taking ceremonies in Manila and Cebu of successful ME Board Passers. Attended several Professional Development Course (PDC) conducted in: Batangas, Manila, Camsur Naga, Zambasulta, Pasig, NCR Metro South, Quezon City Central and Unified Chapters of Cebu. Attended orientation on Continuing Professional Education (CPE) conducted in Iloilo, Cagayan de Oro,Cordillera, Pasig, NCR Metro South, Quezon City Central and Metro Marikina. Implemented an aggressive internal communications and information dissemination campaign through the following: a) PSME Journal, b) PSME Website, c) Circulars on many concerns of PSME Chapters. On 58th Annual National convention, by all indications with available data to date, chaired by EVP Ramon A. Picornell, Jr. is surpassing last year‟s performance practically on all areas including number of delegates, number of paid advertisers both chapter and private companies in the souvenir program, number of exhibitors and sponsors. The quality of Technical Paper presentation has thoroughly improved. An innovation in this 58th NATCON is the raffle with 5,000 tickets issued to raise funds for PSME Activities. The grand prize is Php 500,000.00. The very First Middle East Regional Conference (FMERC) was held in Doha, Qatar on November 18-20, 2010. Participated by five (5) chapters in the Middle East (Qatar, Saudi Arabia-Al Khobar, CRSA-Riyadh, Abu Dhabi and UAE - (Dubai). Had nine (9) consecutive monthly Board of Directors Meeting and in all cases a quorum was present.

Liberato S. Virata (2011 & 2012)

Formulated the 8-Point Agenda as guideposts to help PSME achieve its objectives. Developed PSME‟s short, Medium and Long Term program to attain PSME Goals and Big Hairy and Audacious Goal (BHAG) Programs to achieve PSME‟s Global Standards in five years. Developed the PSME Core Values which is important to make the PSME strong and mighty to weather all odds and to last for centuries. Achieved renewal of Accreditation as Integrated Accredited Professional Organization with the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC). Obtained PRC-BME approval on CPE implementation and developed guidelines on operations, seminars and qualifications of lecturers through Trainers‟ Training. Organized the First National Students‟ Conference held together with the 59th National Convention. Revision of Philippine Mechanical Engineering Code at par with international standards. Secured seat at government agencies as representative (i.e. DOE, DTI & DPWH). Developed Chapter‟s Hand Book as guidelines for chapter operations. Chartered 7 new chapters (Daet, Western Batangas, Subic, Batangas East, Bahrain, Yanbu & Rabigh & Singapore). Revived 7 Chapters (Medical Services, Makban, Bataan, Central Laguna, Cebu South, Pagadian City and Jeddah). Released Php 210,000.00 cash benefits of the respective beneficiaries. Conducted 10 National Board Meetings and 4 Special Board Meetings. Successfully concluded 10th PSME National Mid- Year Convention held in world-famous Boracay Island, Malay, Aklan held on May 26-28 with more than 500 people in attendance. Issued 112 Circulars sent out to members to keep them updated. 59th National Convention showcased the First Philippine Machinery Exhibition thus, leveling up the presentation of exhibitors‟ products. Developed guidelines on the conduct of PDC and PME processing and Oath-taking of new MEs, conducted series of CPE Trainers Training. Active participation of student units during the ME Students Convergence hosted by UP ME Student Unit on September 9, 2011, with more than 1000 ME Students participants who came across the country. It was followed by the Bicol Regional ME Students from six Universities and Colleges in Bicol Region offering ME Course on September 14, 2011 attended by more than 380 ME Students. Inducted Officers of different chapters nationwide and abroad and attended Chapter Cluster Meetings and General Assemblies 2012 Increased in chapter‟s from 65 to 81 including 3 additional chapters for chartering after the Mid- Year Convention. Increased in membership by 40% from 10,157 as of December 2011 to 14,177 as of May 2012. Finalization of the Philippine Mechanical Engineering Code and submitted to PRC. Financial capability rose from P 400T in January 2011 to P6M in December 2011 and further to P8M as of May 30, 2012. Finalization of Standards on high pressure pipes and vessels for endorsement and approval by the PSME National Board, BME and PRC. Full membership with the Professional Technological Council. Conducted the very successful First Mechanical Engineering Educators Congress which was held on June 7-8 at Philippine Columbian Association, Paco, Manila. Full support to Local Government Mechanical Engineers Association of the Philippines (LOGOMEAP) on their 26th Consultative Annual Technical Conference on May 2-5 in Tagaytay. Representation on different Government Agencies (DOE, DPWH, DOLE, LGU, DSWD, etc.) action. Attended PRC related activities. Interaction with Middle East Chapters and a kick- off meeting for Third Middle East Regional Conference (TMERC). Presided the 11th Mid-Year Convention held in General Santos City. Attended the 14th Southern Mindanao Assembly in Davao City.

Rudy J. Sultan (2013)

Conducted Regional Planning last November and December 2012. Conducted various Cluster Inductions. Chartering of PSME Baguio, PSME Pangasinan and Eastern Rizal Chapter. Reactivation of Palawan Chapter. Conducted Professional Development Course (PDC) for PME candidates in Central Laguna, Quezon City, Davao and Cebu. Creation of the National Center of Excellence. 1st PSME National Open Golf Tournament. 1st Western Mindanao Assembly. Established Industry Partnership with Holcim Philippines as Industry Partners.  PSME & AEMAS Partnership. Established Academe Partnership with Colegio San Agustin in Bacolod City and Northwestern University in Ilocos Norte. Conducted the 2nd Mechanical Engineering Educators Congress. Active participation with the Philippine Technological Council. Representation on different government agencies. Printing of 2012 PME CODE. Securing the Copyright at IPO prior to selling. Attended various activities of PSME Chapters nationwide. Supports the PRC Competitive Roadmap for Mechanical Engineering. Publication of PME Journal and Newsletter.

Ramon A. Picornell (2014)

Pablito C. Ocampo (2015)

Murry F. Demdam (2016)

Leandro Conti (2016)

JaJay Cruz (2017)

Rogelio G. Reyes (2017 & 2018)

Creation of the Advance Training Center PSME-Petron Value Card Registered PSME Logo and Name Trademark with Intellectual Property Office Registered PHILMACH Name Trademark with Intellectual Property Office Creation of Technical Divisions Power and Energy Creation of Technical Division on Boiler, Pressure Vessel and Piping Creation of Technical Division on Plant Engineering and Maintenance Creation of Technical Division on Safety Engineering and Health Creation of Technical Division on Environmental Engineering Creation of Technical Division on Fire Protection Creation of Technical Division on Mechanical Ventilation, Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Creation of Technical Division on Mechanical Engineering Education Chartering of Manila West Chapter Chartering of Negros Oriental Chartering of Iligan City Creation of Flashpoint PSME Public Forum Revival of the PSME Journal PSME Newsletter Revision of PSME Constitution and Bylaws Online Referendum on the Revised PSME Constitution and Bylaws First Online PSME National Election (Oct. 2017) Record Attendance 65th PSME National Convention Record Attendance 66th PSME National Convention Biggest Philippine Machinery Exhibition (PHILMACH) Record Attendance Student Conference Biggest Ever Luzon Regional Conference Biggest Ever Visayas Regional Conference Biggest Ever Mindanao Regional Conference First Central Luzon Technical Conference Incorporation and Organization of the PSME Foundation Inc. Biggest Facebook Page, among Technical organization facebook page. Initiated the Creation of PSME Certification Program. Recovery of the PSME Head Office Property from the Quezon City Government Total Unification of PSME with Peace Agreements between Paredes and Bayoran groups in September 2018 and between Paredes and Campa groups in December 2018.

Jeffrey F. Singson (January 1, 2019 – March 31, 2021)

The Unification of PSME, an Interim Board of Directors was established to handle the unification process Launching of PSME PLATINUM Agenda and setting of new PSME Vision: “To be the ultimate prime mover of Philippine industrialization and the steward of the development of the mechanical engineering profession” Renovated the PSME Building at Bayoran, Quezon, City, and utilized as the PSME National Headquarters Re-organized and re-structured the PSME Secretariat into three (3) Departments Launched the PSME Quality Management System Awarded with ISO 9001:2015 Certification by TUV Rheinland Implemented the 1 PESO Membership Remittance as chapter recovery program Created the Office for PME Affairs to address concerns of PMEs Created the office for Women Mechanical Engineers to address concerns of women members of the society Created the Advance Leadership and Management Academy to handle all essential skills (non-technical) trainings and seminars for PSME members Launched the PSME RFID System Launched the PSME Online Membership Database (PSME MIDO System) Record Attendance 67th PSME NATCON Biggest Philippine Machinery Exhibition (9th PHILMACH) Record Attendance Student Conference (9th PSME National Student Conference) Utilized the whole SMX for four days to accommodate the biggest PSME National Convention (67th NATCON) First Virtual 68th PSME NATCON First Virtual 9th PSME National Students Conference Hosted the First PME Summit as the biggest gathering of Professional Mechanical Engineers to discuss matters concerning the practice of profession, held other summits for Visayas region and Mindanao Region Released the PME Standard Rates as unified guide on the rates of PME services Chartering of PSME Toastmasters to enhance the leadership and communication skills of members Creation of Technical Divisions on Mechanical Design and Fabrication Creation of Technical Division on Manufacturing Engineering Creation of Technical Division on Automotive Engineering Creation of Technical Division on Energy Management Creation of Technical Division on Project Management Creation of Technical Division on Automation, Instrumentation, and Robotics Creation of Technical Division on Welding Engineering and Management Chartering of QC Agham Chapter Chartering of Sorsogon Host Chapter Chartering of DOST-Bicutan Chapter Chartering of Brunei Chapter Chartering of Cebu North Chapter Chartering of Cebu East Chapter Chartering of San Carlos Negros Chapter Chartering of Catanduanes Chapter Reactivation of Quezon City Chapter Reactivation of Rizal Chapter Reactivation of Balara Chapter 1st Bicol Cluster Technical Conference 1st CALABARZON Technical Conference 1st Visayas Technical Conference 1st South-Central Mindanao Assembly 1st PSME International Conference as main event of the 67th NATCON Launched FB Live Flashpoint PSME Public Forum every Friday Created the PSME Constructors’ Performance Evaluation System (CPES) Implementing Unit MOA with Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP) MOA with Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PCCI) MOA with National Association of Electricity Consumers for Reforms, Inc. (NASECORE) MOA with Philippine Welding Society (PWS) MOA with (Mechatronics and Robotics Society of the Philippines) MRSP MOU with Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE) MOA with WORLDBEX MOA with Philippine Christian University and launched the PCU-PSME Extension Graduate Program MOA With Cebu City Local Government MOA with Laguna Provincial Government PSME-SSS (Social Security System) Partnership Created and Released the PSME Events’ Manual Updated and released the PSME Policy Manual Updated the PSME Employees Manual Updated the PSME Accounting Manual Revised the PSME Awards and Recognition Guidelines with strict implementation of points system. Resolved to one (1) winning candidate per chapter during the national election to represent in the national board. Resolved that all CPMs will Established the Regional Chapter Presidents Meeting (once a year/face to face) Established the monthly Chapter Presidents’ Meeting (monthly/virtual) Registered the PSME Newsletter to ISSN and issued the monthly newsletter. Rolled-out Online/Virtual Seminar and Conferences Launched PSME Certification Program PSME Certified Project Management Professionals PSME Certified Trainers Finalized and Presented the ASEAN Boiler Inspectorate Guidelines and Standard during the 37th CAFEO in Jakarta Indonesia Opposed the Environmental Engineering Bill Opposed the IRR of Agriculture and Biosystem Engineering Opposed the DILG’s implementation of Motorcycle Barrier during COVID pandemic, citing concerns on safety, health, economy, and environment. Maintained as the Biggest Facebook Page,, among technical organizations’ page, with highest recommendation rating (4.5 out of 5) among other professional organizations.

Jerry D. Asuncion (2021)

Melanie P. Banayos (2022)

Loreto Catalan (2023)

Jeremy Aguinea (2024)

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